Saturday, 6 June 2015

WIP: sorting

We are getting some much needed rain. As the freshly-made vanilla ice cream custard is churning, I am sorting through photos that I’ve stashed here and there in too many different folders.

I must get better at taking photos regularly while working on a project. From the photos I have, I realize that I would work away on a quilt and then, as many of us do when we have a problem, ask Mom for help. I have obviously taken a photo at a spot when I wanted Mom’s opinion, emailed or texted her the photo and then moved on with the quilt. In some cases, my memory of the quilt has disappeared, until I rediscovered the photo.

I had fun working on the green, grey, yellow, black solid, print, and batik quilt. I am sure many of you recognize the pattern. I recall giving this quilt away, but don’t recall who I gave it to.

I loved the way the brown batik quilt turned out. It is also a pretty common pattern and I know it went to a good home. 
I have no good recollection of the colourful batik quilt. I think maybe I gave it to a good friend as a yoga inspiration. If that’s where it is, it’s a good home. I hope that I removed the whitish strip in the middle, the bright blue one to the right, and the pinkish coloured one on the far right. To me, those colours just don’t fit.


  1. Isn't it wonderful we take pictures to goad our memories. Lovely quilts.

  2. Thanks, Pam! I really do feel like I'm at the tip of the quilting iceberg. There are SO many others (like you) who are being amazingly creative.

  3. Thanks, Caroline! I love YOUR quilts. Once I get better with right angles and straight seams, I'm going to try some of the fusion patterns you have on your site. WOW those look great (and right now, make by brain hurt)!


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