Tuesday, 23 June 2015

WIP: button blanket

For a number of weeks, I've been thinking about how to incorporate a button blanket feel into a quilt or quilting project. As I'm working away on a quilt tonight, listening to CBC Radio1, I just heard of Christina Gray's successful struggle to wear her traditional regalia to her call to the bar. Gray is of Tsimshian/Dene/Metis heritage.

I fell in love with the button blanket immediately when introduced to it when taking some classes at the University of Alberta, way back in the late 1980s. The University of British Columbia's Museum of Anthropology had hosted the "Robes of Power: Totem Poles on Cloth" and the U of A had catalogues (see photo) of the exhibition.

think I know how I'm going to incorporate the button blanket concept into a project. I must, though, let that idea steep for a bit.


  1. Button blankets are very beautiful. Hours of work on each blanket. Can't wait to see where you go with this.

  2. Oh my, you and I are onto a similar quilting project and I think its wonderful that you love the traditional Aboriginal button blankets. I am making one of my own version too, but its a total top secret until its all ready for my blog post. Maybe we can coordinate this??


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