Sunday, 17 July 2016

WIP: Pedal Pushers

I recently added three Pedal Pushers (by Lauren + Jessi Jung for Moda Fabrics; Pattern 25085) fabrics to my stash. I think these fabrics are very pretty. 

For weeks before buying them, I repetitively looked at them with great interest. I didn't buy them because the patterns confuse me. I don't know what to do with them. I am not used to working with a collection of fabrics with pattern sizes that are so different.  

And then, they were on sale and the opportunity to figure out what to do with them was something to couldn't resist. I love a challenge.

Pedal Pushers by Moda
I would love to hear your ideas about what to do with these three! I have lots of each.

I'm linking this post to Molli Sparkles' Sunday Stash.


  1. Ah that's interesting, I often buy fabric (on sale) because I like it but don't know what I will do with it. How about using them for a bag, the large prints on big panels and the smaller prints for handles or pockets.

    1. Now THAT is and excellent suggestion, Mary! Thank you.

  2. Love your fabric! Red is a favourite! I am currently looking at Churn Dash blocks (barn dance qal) and Irish Chains.

    1. Both are great ideas for my large/small print fabrics, Pam. Thank you!


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