Thursday, 26 November 2015

WIP: reused-fabric bags

A couple of days ago, I posted about using fabric pieces to create something usable. So far, I've created a tote and a messenger bag from old jeans, an old tie, and some cotton pieces left over from making quilts.

One tie, one worn pair of jeans ... 

This is an enjoyable project. It is also a feel-good project. I am able to use things that likely end up - unnecessarily - in the landfill.

There are lots of places to donate used clothes, but there are so many pieces of used clothes, I have heard that there are warehouses full of them. The denim that I used in these bags is very soft and flexible from years of wear and laundering.

Tie bag side one
With a little time and some new thread, worn-out jeans and an old tie make for a handy bag. I left the "Made in Canada" tag on the tie (circa 1985) because it is now so rare that ties are still made in Canada.
Tie bag side two.

As much as I like the tie bag, I like the back pocket bag even more. The close-up below is of the work-in-progress; it is not yet lined.

Now fully lined, the bag is ready to go.

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