Thursday, 27 August 2015

WIP: following the rules

I have a hard time following rules for the sake of following rules. If there is a reason to follow the rules, I'll do so, but by not following the rules, I have made many wonderful creations and have learned new things.

I was reminded of this when I read the "About" section a blog I recently discovered: Judy's Quilting Studio. One of the things I most enjoy about Judy's work is her attention to the details. Adding pillowcases and a cushion cover to her quilts is so very clever. And just look at the backs of her quilts; I must learn to be more like Judy and plan the back of my quilt at the same time as I plan the front. I learn SO much from Judy.

I was also reminded to challenge the "rules" as I read Andrea Pelletier's most recent post about what the end of Human Ecology at the University of Manitoba means to her. I have always been inspired by Andrea's perspective. I learn SO much from Andrea.

Laurel's Lesson Learned: there is always more to learn (about life and about textile products) from others.

I have an "artist's cramp". I'm having difficulty figuring out what my next step in my "Lillian" project for the Her Cup Runneth Over fundraising auction will be. I really must finish this project. I'm really not procrastinating. Really. I mean it.

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