While looking for buttons for my first button blanket project, I came across a bag of buttons I've had for years. Living in Winnipeg, which has a significant history of textile product design and manufacturing (and still has a healthy textile product development industry), it was not uncommon to find several stores selling textile products and findings that the industry discarded. Some of those stores still exist.
I have maybe 50 of the half-inch buttons in the photo on the left. Stuart Ash designed the logo on the button.
With Canada's upcoming celebrations commemorating 150 years of confederation, I think I need to create something for Canada Day 2017. The new logo is in development, not without controversy. I don't think I'll reproduce the new logo, but I'm anxious to see it.
If my recollection is factual, in 1967, Mom made a baby quilt using the triangles of the maple leaf design created for the centennial celebration. I wonder if Mom has a photo of that quilt. Somehow, I'll incorporated this triangle design into a project. And, I must add several updated bits. I have so many projects ahead of this one, though, I've hung my bag of buttons on my bulletin board, to be a visual reminder.